Our team brought back some new awards to display at the office! The Annual Alabama Trucking Association Safety Awards banquet took place in Pelham, AL and Wright Transportation came in 2nd Place for General Commodities Local 1 to 3 Million Miles AND a Safety Improvement Award.
This annual event honors Alabama’s safest trucking fleets and we’re honored to be among the outstanding organizations exhibiting excellence in our industry and as a leader in safety.
Held each spring, ATA’s awards follow the American Trucking Associations’ criteria for fleet safety recognition and are judged by an independent panel of experts from the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) who pore over complex safety stats and parameters based on miles operated within the state. All safety information is pulled from the previous calendar year, in this case, 2020-2021 — which is why they are referred to as the “2021 awards.”
Wright Transportation, Inc., was founded in 1999 with five trucks and a strong commitment to quality service. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the largest carriers in the region, with over 200 trucks.